Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Phoenix issue 43!

Simon Swift continues in this weeks Phoenix, with ALL-OUT BATTLE!!

If you're reading it- hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Here's a little Halloween painting I was messing around with! I'd like to do more to it but I doubt I'll have the time now til after Halloween's been and gone!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Phoenix issue 42!

Episode 6 of Simon Swift is out now in The Phoenix issue 42, alongside a feast of exciting strips!
This week Simon is thrown in jail for a crime he didn't commit, along with a thief and a huge scary figure! Click the Phoenix cover below to find out where you can get hold of a copy!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tales on Moon Lane comic workshop on Mon Oct 29th!

On the 29th of this month myself, Will, Liz and Ross from the fantastic Team Phoenix will be putting on a comics workshop at Tales on Moon Lane in Herne Hill, London! It's an event for children, so if you know any kids who'd like to get stuck in to some comic-making then this should be a really fun event!
The workshop starts at 2.30pm, check the Tales on Moon Lane website for information on booking tickets:

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Phoenix issue 41!

Issue 41 of The Phoenix is out today, including more excitement for Simon Swift as a thief lands him in a spot of bother!
I've also gotta give props to my pal Lorenzo for this week's incredible cover- it's too awesome!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Forest Escape!

Here's the panel I'm proudest of so far from my work on Simon Swift; it's from episode 2. It turned out pretty dark on the page but that suited the atmosphere of the episode, however I'm happy to present the original inks here!
Nikki and I had been to the Forest of Dean a few weeks prior to me starting Simon Swift and it definitely enriched the early forest scenes with details I wouldn't have otherwise considered.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Nikki and I popped into Waitrose today and saw the two-week-old issue 38 of the Phoenix in there!

One part of me was annoyed, thinking that it should have sold by now, but another part was delighted, as it's the first time I've ever seen a comic cover I've drawn on a store shelf!

I must admit that we did move it from another shelf for a clearer shot (and shuffled the other copies of the Phoenix to pride-of-place on the front shelf before we left!) but hey, more kids should get to see the Phoenix- I'm doing them a favour!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Phoenix issue 40!

Simon Swift Part 4 is out now in issue 40 of The Phoenix, alongside a whole host of fantastic strips! You can pick it up from Waitrose and some independent book and comic stores around the country- check for more info!

This week a new day is dawning for Simon and his new travelling partners, Longrange and Shiba as they start tracking down Simon's mother and her captors. What adventure awaits them in the town of Hairn as they stop for supplies? I'm not saying- you'll have to read it to find out!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Link's been framed!

Bub Chahal from Close Encounters in Bedford emailed me this picture of a commission I did for him last year for his son Kam's birthday. They had a really nice framing job done for it so I couldn't resist posting it up here!

Here's a bit of a closer view of the images!:

Monday, October 1, 2012

teambadger- Stop the Cull

Hi all,
I don't usually blog about anything particularly serious, but I'd really appreciate if you would take the time to look at the petition linked below and sign it if you agree with it.
There are plans underway to commence with a mass culling of Badgers across the UK to prevent the spread of Bovine TB. Whilst I'm obviously against the spread of Bovine TB, experts in the field seem rather unified in the opinion that a Badger cull will have very little impact on it- it is simply a massive waste of life. Please take just a few seconds to sign the petition- it will make a difference.
Just click on the badger image below to be whisked to the petition page.
Thanks to my girlfriend Nikki Dyson for the above image from her blog and thanks to my Mum for telling us about the petition.