Friday, March 29, 2013

Countdown to the Con's!

Myself and my longtime comics compadre's Chris Gould and Matthew Brambles are going to be exhibiting at several comic conventions again this year and will be selling our latest wares.
We're now up on the exhibitors pages for both the Bristol Expo and Thought Bubble, plus we are planning to attend N.I.C.E this year again too. If you are attending any of those shows, stop by and say hi!

Click this image to visit a mini site I made for the three of us:

I'll be selling issue #1 of Monstrosity at all of the cons and the plan is to have issue #2 ready as well in time for Thought Bubble in November.
Speaking of Monstrosity, the colour version of Issue #1 went off to the printers a few days ago, I'm really excited to see the finished comic! I'll pop up some photo's as soon as I have a copy in my hands!