Thursday, May 22, 2014

Cardiff Children's Literary Festival!

Back on the 12th of April this year Nikki and I attended the Cardiff Children's Literary Festival on behalf of The Phoenix Comic.
We, alongside our assistant for the day, Rob Nichols, had several tables over in 'The Cardiff Story' covered in art materials, ready to help some budding artists start work on their own comics!
We were incredibly impressed by the results and just had to share them as some truly superb comics were made on the day!

'The Origin of Fish Man' by William Jones

'Martian Attack' Parts 1 and 2 by Gethin SiÔn Merry

 Untitled by Rhys Owen Zirker

 'The Superman' by Megan Guidi

'Josh, Jack and Jason' by Idris Merry

'The Adventures of Super Tortoise' by Mia

 'Cat Dog and Mouse' by Alexandra

'I Don't Like This Dummy' by Amelia Sheen

Untitled and 'Skeleton Football' by our brilliant assistant for the day, Rob Nichols.

And here's Rob with his comic!

And lastly here's one I drew up on the flipchart.

All in all it was a great event, Nikki and I came away from it feeling really inspired and excited to have seen so many kids really enjoying telling stories visually. I think the future of comics is in safe hands by the looks of things!

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